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From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…

Monday, March 26

Monday Mailgasms

Monday Mailgasms:

Let’s see what wonderful tidbits of useless tripe fell into the junk-box this week…

Subject: / Comment:

Have himself lesterville: I think she had him committed!

This hinders the rest of us the chance to get the villains: It’s not open season on villains yet… Try fishing…

Southeasterly condone: This makes about as much sense as anything else the “always wrong” weatherman says…

Ricochet racketeer: Contact Don Barney Fife at www.onebulletmafia.com (not a real website for my “less astute” readers)

Causation maladapt: Is this what happened to the Starship Enterprise?

Griaznye klubki: Sorry, Babblefish couldn’t translate this one…

Terror the human form divine: This is called life, get used to it, adjust…

Hysteria then jacky: I always thought jacky came before hysteria :)

Wholly dignitary: This is a political oxymoron I’m pretty sure…

Shiloh who: Shiloh who?...Shiloh you…in the cyber garbage with the rest of your weekly mailgams friends…

JIM should have his list up soon...