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Saturday, April 28

Saturday's Super Site - Blah Blah Blog - The Soap Box

Imagine my surprise to awake on a lazy Saturday morning to check my e-mail and find that someone chose me as special. Sunni Kay, a regular reader here (and I love to read her blog too) chose me as this week’s Saturday’s Super Site! Her kind words about me and this blog truly made my day :)

Sunni’s regular blog
“Rantings, Ramblings, and Other Miscellaneous Stuff” is full of well written stories concerning support for our troops, motherhood, and newsworthy items of the week. It’s amazing how our thoughts and ideas mirror each other. I also recently found out that we live fairly close to each other; perhaps one day we will meet…drinks are on me Sunni :) Sunni also teams with a group to review books at “The Bookshelf Reviews”. If you are an avid reader, this is a great site.

Thanks Sunni for the honor, and keep coming back!