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From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…

Tuesday, March 20

The Cowboy Code Marshals

I’m proud to add another blogroll to Blah Blah Blog – The Soap Box. Although I LOVE my state of residence, Nevada (It’s likeTexas, Jr.)…my Southern heritage is in my blood and the great state of Texas where I was raised is in my heart.

Texas to this day is still one of the great states that is home to real cowboys. Real men and women who were raised with solid values, natural manners, and a solid view on life. There is an unspoken cowboy code in the Southwest. Boys and girls just grow up in an environment that exudes honesty and a solid grasp of true heart.

I’m thankful to have been raised around that influence, and am honored to have been invited to include The Cowboy Code Marshals blogroll to this site.

The Cowboy Code

1. A cowboy always tells the truth and keeps his word.

2. A cowboy is a Patriot and stands for Truth, Justice and the American way.

3. A cowboy never betrays a trust or takes advantage.

4. A cowboy is brave, but never careless.

5. A cowboy defends the weak and helps them.

6. A cowboy is kind to children, old folks, and to animals.

7. A cowboy is free from racial and religious prejudice.

8. A cowboy is clean about his person and in thought, word, and deed.

9. A cowboy is loyal, hard working and maintains a high ethic.

10. A cowboy is thankful for what God has given him.