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From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…

Tuesday, March 6

I've Earned Over $300 With PayPerPost

You’ve all seen the PayPerPost disclosure section on the right side bar of this blog. PayPerPost is the online advertising medium that allows bloggers like you and I to make money just by posting articles on our blogs about the advertisers’ products. It’s a very real endeavor and fun as well.

I promised updates on how the “money-earning” was coming, and it’s time to report in. Since October, 2006 when I signed up for PayPerPost, I have earned $327.90. I don’t participate every day, and I ONLY CHOOSE opportunities from advertisers that spark my interest, or seem like a good idea for people I know that read Blah Blah Blog – The Soap Box. It’s highly possible for a diligent postie to earn up towards $30 per day. And, for the really dedicated…offers do come around that pay into the HUNDREDS or even more than ONE THOUSAND dollars once in a while.

I am using the money I earn to help pay for my son’s upcoming summer trip to Europe as a student ambassador with People to People (cost $5500.00). It’s a good thing I learned of PayPerPost, as I also placed a PayPal Donate option on this blog to earn money for the trip, and that balance today stands at ZERO.

Check out PayPerPost for yourself, and earn the money you need for a special project.