From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…
Thursday, January 31
Wednesday, January 30
Wednesday Hero - SSgt. Justin R. Whiting
27 years old from Hancock, New York 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) January 19, 2008 Staff Sgt. Justin R. Whiting, a Special Forces medical sergeant sustained fatal wounds when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive devise 16 kilometers south of Mosul, Iraq. He is survived by his mother, Estelline, of Colorado Springs, Colo., father, Randall, of Hancock, N.Y., sister, Amanda, of DuPont, Wash., and brother Nathan of Dover, Tenn. For more information on SSgt. Justin Whiting, you can download this PDF file. These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero. We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here. |
Tuesday, January 29
Immigration Gumballs
Exponential effects of immigration. It is already happening in our country, yet people turn a blind eye. Most of us, unless employed in a field of business that deals directly with illegal, or legal immigrants, don’t grasp the effect. Heck, most of the sheeple out there don’t even truly understand the meaning of the word EXPONENTIAL. |
John McCain Wins Florida
Well, the Florida results are in. John McCain won Florida. John McCain is a closet Democrat, and if you don’t see it, you are either a Democrat yourself, or blind. Florida is a state ravaged with illegal and legal immigrants of foreign nations. It is a state not unlike the country of Mexico, hugely influenced by years of Cuban influence, and years of the influx of old retirees who in that setting tend to be Democrats. It also still holds a large population of old drug criminals and money mongers of the cocaine era. The people that pretend to be Republicans there still lean left. Not all...don’t take this as a slam on good Florida Conservatives...thank God, Florida has some, but they didn’t win, simple as that. Over 15,000 Floridians voted for Fred Thompson. Over 8,000 people in Florida voted for Dennis Kucinich. Both of these men are no longer viable candidates and are no longer running. So, over 23,000 people in Florida weren’t paying attention, and don’t even know who’s running. There are numbers like that in every state. Obviously, the ballots were ordered and printed long before candidates dropped out of the race, but people…pay attention! If you are still a McCain supporter, and believe that he will deal with the immigration issue, swallow this… Juan Hernandez is his National Director of Hispanic Outreach. Juan Hernandez is a dual citizen of both Mexico and the USA. Juan Hernandez believes that we should just “love them all, ALL 12,000,000 MILLION OF THEM unconditionally”. According to McCain’s campaign, he is a non-paid volunteer to reach out to the Hispanic community. John McCain quoted says, "He’s on my staff because he supports my policies and my proposals and my legislative proposal to secure the borders first," and "a non-paid volunteer to the campaign, and he does not play a policy role." Aren’t we smart enough as a nation yet to realize that our “Hispanic” people, the ones here legally, better described as just other normal folks walking along like the rest of us…don’t need a representative? I don’t need a representative, do you? I don’t need a “Director of Caucasian Outreach”. Neither do other legal and honest citizens or legal aliens of our nation. Also, McCain steps in it again that he’s willing to take so much effort from someone with some influence, and not pay them. Another capitalistic viewpoint shared by liberals. If Juan wants to do it, fine, but a person with such a title should at least make minimum wage from the campaign. Probably though, he was “promised” something if McCain wins. Another promise that if fulfilled will be a detriment to the people, or will conveniently “not be available or possible” to the individual in reality. So, dumb volunteer and vague keeper of a "promise". But, McCain needs him to reach out to Hispanics. Well, people of legal status don’t need a special person to reach out to them. They are seeking out the American dream, and although difficult, they are finding it. They know that the American dream is just as difficult to achieve for white folks as it is for other colored folks, after all…we are the ones paying for all the others. Hispanic, Asian, White, Black, Muslim, Italian, Japanese, Vietnamese, etc. legal citizens ALL USE OUR COLLECTIVE TAX DOLLARS to pay for the lives of those who DON’T. Those of us, who pay, only see green…our green dollars going out the window. Money has only one color, and when we all have to spend some of ours to pay for the moochers that pay none, we don’t see any other color. So, the way I see it, the only people that need “outreach” are people that aren’t conservative in their views, won’t support the Conservative way of life, and through his “outreach”, McCain is only looking for another vote. The proof is in the pudding, or in the human highlight video. I’ll do you all a favor and provide many choices below. You can choose from CNN, MSNBC, or FOX. You can even see McCain himself dodge the big bullet, and play the “I’ll take that under advisement” card. I’ll never take away from John McCain his service to our country. He’s a nice man, and a great war hero. He sacrificed more for this country than any of us will ever know. However, it’s like he caught Stockholm Syndrome along the line. He has sympathy for the devil, and that is not a Conservative view. It’s not a viewpoint that can FIX anything that is broken; it makes him limp and obviously willing to swallow his way to the top. I cannot accept that quality in a man I want to lead my nation. He’s far too soft on far too many issues. Immigration is just the soft tip of his left leaning iceberg. |
Hillary Ambivalence Syndrome
ATTENTION AMERICAN WOMEN: If you might suffer from Hillary Ambivalence Syndrome, have no fear, there is a new drug for you. You can be cured. This drug will also ease the symptoms of the rawness and itching that has been occurring in your anal region due to the load of hype that has been repeatedly shoved up your private cavity during this presidential campaign. Do your self a favor and take less than two minutes to find out how you can once again become a normal member of a sane society. |
Monday, January 28
State Of The Union - CONSPIRACY
The State of I think that if you are “stuff enough” to be President, you should have the ability to talk from the cuff, and even with notes that are necessary in a long speech or debate, you should be able to at least do that for yourself if you are President. But, we all know that Presidents, talk show hosts, actors, etc. do have speech writers. Where has the guy been for the last couple of years that wrote President Bush’s speech tonight? You’re high if you didn’t realize that tonight; George Bush made a good speech. It was as if a new man was born, and a light was fired off again in his eyes, in his mannerisms and within his heart. Oh but wait…it was his last great speech. It was the last State of the Union (SOTU) speech of his presidential career. But, it was a speech of the man that won 7 years ago. But, as he spoke, I looked between the lines. I reminisced. I thought back to an earlier time, much earlier. I remembered a great man, the man that raised me as my father. My old Papa Bill was a man of great stature, but a man of few words. He was a Democrat. He though, was an OLD SCHOOL Democrat. As a grown woman, I am a Republican, and as far fetched as it seems, the things my Papa Bill taught me were conservative beliefs, and the things that make sense. Is it possible that many many years ago Democrats were actually Republicans? Or was it that many years ago, common sense was the rule, and it was mere petty differences that created the dividing line between political parties. My Papa Bill was born in the year 1898, he met President William Taft, it was a highlight of his life, and a favorite story. (If you actually read from the link, you will see that in that day, the country was divided amongst “Progressives & Conservatives”). Basically, at one time we were all Conservative, just a few with some different ideas, not a bad thing. As I listened to the SOTU tonight, I watched the faces around the room. Dick Cheney had great respect on his face. Nancy Pelosi sat there in her nice little purple outfit and had disgust on her face a lot, but when she thought appropriate, she smiled, or stood, or clapped. She chewed on her lip (or was eating Tic Tacs or something). Hilary Clinton wore a VERY RED dress, which is apropos for the WITCH she is. She was void of emotion. She was the epitome of the C that she just is. You just cannot deny your own humanity. The woman is just a narcissistic blob riding on the coattails of a man that cheated on her more than once with women that thought that blowing a man in a suit would some how better their own narcissistic place in the world; they just didn’t have the money to catch a real man on successful terms of their own. It wasn’t an accident that Barack Obama was seated next to Ted Kennedy. But did you see their body language just evolve into a story of its own? Ted Kennedy hasn’t remained in Congress longer than dirt for no reason. He’s smart! Smart enough to listen. Smart enough to read and take notes! He is truly one that keeps his friends close, and his enemies closer, takes notes to see whose ass he needs to kiss next. Another narcissistic criminal from a family that sold its soul to the Devil long ago to gain acquiescence to power and wealth. Any decent member of that family has been met with untimely death, the others just covered up untimely death. Barack Obama is so far a really nice guy. He’s a liberal, but one I believe still thinking that he can make a difference, because he’s been schooled by people that he believes to be correct. He CAN make a difference. However, if he follows down the road, even the road to the Presidency, he will fail the nation. He won’t fail the nation to the catastrophic degree Hilary Clinton will, but he will fail us all. He is young, he doesn’t know yet, but even in his eyes tonight, I saw a young man intent. I saw a man soaking it all in, and concentrating on matters at hand. Even if he is on the wrong path, I don’t believe he’s on an intentionally personal evil path, but the snakes have already bitten him, and he’s poisoned, but still savable. Evil is all over Hilary, apocalypse is what I see when I look at her. My point in this rant is the sadness I see in our nation’s current demise, and the obvious trend toward conspiracy. My Papa Bill unknowingly gave me my interest in politics. He raised me to care. He sat as a poor farmer in his “big chair” and made me watch TV any time the President spoke. A President’s speech in that day was BIG. No show, NO “Survivor”, NO “Desperate Housewives”, NO “American Idol”, NO “Superbowl”, NO “Ed Sullivan”, NO SHOW was more important than the NEWS, or a time that the PRESIDENT spoke! In that day, you could look around that same room that all members were in tonight, and it was OBVIOUS that ALL were HONORED to be there. No one was honored to be there tonight. They all acted like they were “bothered” by it all. They were more concerned with their own little petty personal gains than they were with giving the people they were elected by the time of day. WTF? Even when members of Congress stood and clapped…did you notice early in the speech that noticeably exactly HALF the room stood, and the other did not? Do you think that’s coincidental? It’s not. The media could have reported that the President spoke a good speech, they didn’t. I see a Even the woman, Kathleen Sebelius, that gave the Democrat’s response to the SOTU speech, said that no longer is our Government asking what we can do for our country, but they are not asking anything of us at all! What a crock of shit is she trying to shove down your throat? Our government is not asking anything of you because if you are limp and disinvolved you are easier to control! If your government doesn’t require you to clean your room, do your laundry, or reconcile your bank account, they have you. If you never have any consequences as a result of your non-behavior, you’ll never be the wiser when you are only given what they say you can have and can only do when they say you can do it. Am I the only one that sees this coming? The media immediately after the SOTU speech was spinning it all negative. It doesn’t matter who says what, or what happens in this world today, the media immediately starts telling us how BAD IT IS. The MEDIA is part of the CONSPIRACY! FOUR PARTS… (1) Narcissistic Government (YOU ELECT & DON’T HOLD ACCOUNTABLE), (2) BIG HUGE CORPORATIONS (from any industry) that donate to politicians in order to gain favor and keep their own profits high (3) DIRECT UNDERLINGS OF CORPORATIONS AND LOBBYISTS that get their way with GOVERNMENT because they gave donations, but KNOWINGLY FUCKED the rest of us because their plans were failure from the beginning, but sounded cool, and THESE FOLKS eventually NEED TO and creatively CAN SWEEP IT under the rug and convince YUPPY WALL STREET GEEKS AND “FINANCIAL EXPERTS” GOOD AT BAD MATH that the “plan must go on”, so financial professionals just invent more creative financial bullshit to make it all “work out” … and finally and the WORST OF ALL, part 4, that’s FOUR, and (oddly enough when typing on a keyboard, the number 4 when shift keyed is $), (4) THE MEDIA…THE LAST BASTION, THE FOLKS THAT ARE LEFT TO TELL US ALL HOW IT IS…The media is lying to us all, the media is held to what their advertisers are dictating to them to tell. The MEDIA tells us the “NEWS”. If it bleeds, it sells. If it really happened, it will probably convict someone in a place of power or wealth. It USED TO BE if it REALLY HAPPENED, it was something to be proud of. Not any more, we don’t publicize anything POSITIVE. If it’s good, and if it makes sense, it’s now boring. We must kill the conspiracy. The negative, the fear mongering, the doom to “the people” when a few cannot gain because they might have to “give” of their time or a few of their dollars. This nation has become a nation that ONLY GIVES to those who cannot GIVE BACK. As I’ve always said…the HELPLESS will always deserve help. The helpless can NEVER hurt you. But, our nation expands the help to the helpless, or what I call the “NOT-less” to the extreme. It’s been the doing of the powerful for decades. Somewhere, somehow, those that gave to the helpless felt that they were spending honorable dollars at the expense of themselves and their own arrogant needs. DEMOCRATS! So, they had to get even. Today, they are willing to spend billions to hold the little guys accountable for what was supposed to be a helping hand. They do the math. Folks, 2+2 will ALWAYS EQUAL FOUR! As long as any of you that think you are the “little guy” buy into the doom and gloom, and sign onto an interest only home loan, or don’t take your own lives into your own hands, or go to a “paycheck loan” store, you get what you deserve. If you actually BELIEVE that whenever the “GOVERNMENT” is “GIVING YOU SOMETHING”, that it isn’t going to eventually spiral down into the RESULT OF YOUR GIFT, or realize that IT COSTS YOU MORE THAN YOU WERE GIVEN, then you are a MORON. Our state of affairs right now is bad. However, it’s not yet so bad that it is not fixable. HOWEVER…people have to open their eyes and be able to know the difference between a wolf, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You know, I’ve always been one that didn’t particularly like to talk politics, or government. But I find myself more and more talking to average people about it, because I feel the need to help. I NEVER try to initiate political conversation, but others do. When they do, if they are STUPID, I will kindly express my point of view conservatively. So many times, I’m more and more shocked that a simple 2+2 conversation with someone that doesn’t really know what’s going on will cause them to shake their heads, or say, “Really?..UnUunh! For Real? “ YEAH PEOPLE, IT’S ALL FOR REAL. WakeTF up! Kill negative media. I would pay my tax dollars to make the NEWS portion of any media center to be a non-profit like it used to be. I’d put up with all the other “reality” shows, the “celebrity gossip”, movies, and sit-coms and all, just make the news the TRUTH, and let the other departments of any television conglomerate carry the news room on the P&L as a given, just like rent, or the electric bill. Making news stations FOR PROFIT organizations has taken away the truth. I’d gladly spend my TAX DOLLARS to promote an entire station that just televised GOOD NEWS. Imagine that! An entire network that WAS ONLY ALLOWED to report on good things. The economy, the politics, the entire view of CONSPIRACY! It’s real! It’s inevitable! I JUST WANT TO KNOW THIS? What dumb ass that originally invented conspiracy decided that conspiracy would be better on the bad side than it would have been to the side of GOOD? If ANY PEOPLE wanted to be truly rich beyond end, and if ANY PEOPLE wanted a thriving economy, and if ANY PEOPLE TRULY wanted to be omnipotent and all powerful, then they would CONSPIRE to be GOOD! Goodness, Kindness, Honesty, Equality, Truth, Loyalty, and Honor create SUCCESS… Just ask God. These people in “high places” that are trying to be God and CONTROL THE WORLD AT OUR EXPENSE are forgetting one little tiny thing. The little tiny thing has many words to describe normal and tiny: God, kindness, honesty, balance, fair, majority vote, earned profit, ambivalence… DUH! |
Thursday, January 24
Mitt Romney For President
Well, Fred Thompson has backed out of the Presidential race. He ran a good campaign, and I believe that he would have made a great President. Fred is a solid guy, and still has a lot to offer our nation. Since Fred has withdrawn, then so too must I withdraw my personal endorsement, not of the man, but of the campaign. Therefore a vacancy is left to fill. At this moment in time, I will endorse and vote for Mitt Romney if he’s given the nomination. The reason I supported Fred Thompson in the first place was because I felt he was the truest Conservative among the candidates running, and even more than that, I ALWAYS BELIEVED HE’D TELL ME EXACTLY HOW IT REALLY WAS. My second choice has always been Mitt Romney, and he won large in the The We need a man that can look at the nation’s P&L and spot the errors as if they jump off the page at you. We need a man strong enough to fix that badly broken Washington P&L, and one that doesn’t think that there are not a LOT OF US out here that can also dissect a P&L with precision and detect creative accounting as opposed to a solid profit center. Who knows if Mitt Romney will do that any more than any politician ever fulfills his promises when elected? After all, it’s really the Congress that runs the country, one man; one President’s hands are often tied by bickering politicians that guard their own power and success more than they regard the lives of the people they “govern”. However, at least Romney has the business credentials to really do it if he wants to, and hopefully he’ll take his business prowess to I’d like to also say this. If Mitt Romney should find himself holding the nomination, and would like to make his first move one by the people and for the people, I don’t think he could find a more fitting candidate for his Vice President than Fred Thompson. I’d like to know that Fred will be up there somewhere in |
Wednesday, January 23
ZEITGEIST - The Northern American Union - VCHIP - Amero Dollar
ZEITGEIST: This would be a good word for Bill O’Reilly to use :) Zeitgeist: “the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era”. Everyone here knows that I am a hardnosed redneck conservative. I am on no realm a conspiracy theorist, but I would encourage all of you to take nine minutes to listen to this video about the zeitgeist, The Northern American Union, and the Amero dollar to come. Not to mention the RIFD chips that are already beginning to be used. This is some scary shit here people. My readers know that I like to listen to both sides of a fence and I believe strongly in the old cliché’ “Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.” Two things could happen here. Life as we know it is coming to an end and there is truth here, which is really scary. Or, the moonbats are growing in ever larger numbers, and it’s still scary shit as in a democracy, majority vote wins. OR EVEN WORSE…a little of both is true and normal people should be put on the endangered species list. Check it out, it’s enough to make you scratch your brain at least…or polish up the gun… If the nine minute excerpts get you going and you wish to watch the whole movie, click the link below for FREE. |
Wednesday Hero - Capt. Lyle L. Gordon
Airmen from the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron at an air base in Southwest Asia prepare a C-17 Globemaster III for an airdrop mission Jan. 14 to deliver humanitarian supplies to coalition forces in Afghanistan These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero. We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here. |
Monday, January 21
Martin Luther King
In honor of the late great Martin Luther King, I have just a few words to say, but I feel sure that in heaven, Mr. Martin Luther King would salute me as I would salute him back. I was not old enough to really participate or fully understand his work in his day, but I’ve certainly been made aware as my years grew. Martin Luther King was a great American and did great things for civil rights. Right or wrong, I have my own ideas of Mr. King. I have a picture of the whole King family. I think another great American was Coretta Scott King, God rest her soul. Behind every good man is a great woman, and no doubt, part of Martin Luther’s strength he derived from his great wife Coretta and the love for his children. I believe that if Martin Luther King could be alive today, we wouldn’t be hearing one thing about how the greater black American vote went to Obama or Hillary. I don’t think Martin Luther King would want to know about how many black people were given this or that. I believe that Martin Luther King truly did have a dream, and it was equality. I believe that conservative Americans see that equality. I believe that in any issue, in any election, in any place…if we wanted to honor Dr. King, we would do it by not having to ever play the race card again. You either vote for someone or you don’t. You are either qualified for a job or you are not. Black people are as qualified to vote as white people. Black people can be or not as qualified for any job as white people are qualified or are not. When I need to have a job done, when I vote for a candidate, when I meet someone in a store, or I go to a place of business to purchase a product, or get a service, as long as the job is done, as long as the person at the store can help me and educate me as to the product I want to buy, I could care less about the color of their skin. It’s only when the task at hand is NOT accomplished that I get irritated. And even when I am irritated, it’s only because I went somewhere for one task, and it did not get accomplished, period. As goes with prejudice. Nobody’s ever irritated with anyone who just does what they are supposed to do, is kind, and is a good citizen. It’s only when folks fail that others begin to judge. We are a nation of patience, and you really have to be a total fuck up not to meet the bar in today’s nation. Have a job, pay your bills, and be honorable to your family. It’s not that hard. No matter what color you are. If you cannot get a job, it’s one of two things…you aren’t trying, or you didn’t try in school. School is free, it’s the “fun” you had while blowing off school that ends up expensive. And that crosses NO COLOR LINES. If we can just get past skin color and realize that idiots and geniuses live on every color line and every race line, then we can again become the nation that is the greatest on earth. But ONLY when we are each willing to identify our own idiots. And, we must all be able to see between that fine line between the helpless and the unwilling. Helpless people will always need help and deserve help. Unwilling types must be kicked to the curb to either learn how to be willing, get up and become viable, or be left to extinguish because they are able but won’t try. Humans are only unlike animals in that way…we don’t leave the intelligent and unwilling kicked to the curb. We coddle them, and it’s becoming our demise. Animals know the difference and without question they make the choice. Until we have another leader that knows the difference, we’ll continue to wallow in the quagmire of mediocrity. I don’t care what color you are, mediocrity will lead to failure. Cream always rises to the top folks, no matter what color the cream churns out to be. Let’s all just concentrate on churning our cream shall we? Happy Birthday Martin Luther King. |
Saturday, January 19
Nevada Caucus Explained
The procedure per say was fairly painless except for the CHAOS. There were more folks at There was more professionalism and organization in the elections we had for student council in high school. I’m not sure if my “p My group fell i The caucus l Our particular precinct ended up unfortunately at the back of the cafeteria by the door. We got caught by all the traffic rushing by to try and get to their place. I think we were all so baffled by the process, we just tried to do it right. There wasn’t much “talk” or “caucusing” going on with us. All of us came there knowing who we were going to vote for, so there weren’t many “speeches”. I did see other precincts though really getting into that process, where when asked, several wanted to speak about why they believed in their candidate of choice. I doubt anybody came there so undecided that some “Joe Blow’s” speech changed their minds one way or another. However, I listened to some of them, and it was intriguing, and a good experience. It’s amazing how some average folks can be really well spoken when put on the spot. Basically though, all anybody wanted to do was fill out the ballot and go. No one knew what to do after they spent their one second to check the box next to their candidate. We had one really knowledgeable lady in our precinct named I wasn’t about to leave. As I saw all the people leaving, I saw the various little white envelopes of the “leaders” lying about while they were reading the rules to see what to do next. I saw some folks just so happy to get out of the crowd, they just stuck their ballots in whatever white envelope they passed first. So, some precincts got a couple of extra ballots in them, and since we didn’t sign them, they were only numbered…no one will ever be the wiser. Who knows what happens to little white envelopes when several hundred people leave in a two minute mass exodus? But my leader did a great job. He was well spoken, and kind, and distinguished looking. He had a tam hat on, a suit…the cashmere jacket look, and a black mustache and beard. He looked just like a college professor, and made us all feel “safe”. I stayed, I wanted to see what this caucus stuff was all about…after all…I got up EARLY on Saturday morning, so I was going to stick it out. Our fearless leader referred back to his neon green or yellow rule sheet that was double side printed. He read verbatim from it and we all listened. There were maybe 20 or so of us left, maybe more. The rule sheet said that our precinct must elect delegates. Delegates? What delegates? What does a delegate have to do? No one knew. The only thing we knew for sure is that the chosen delegates must attend the Washoe County Republican Convention on Saturday, March 15th, 2008. The opinion is, that when the ballots are counted from our precinct, that the eight delegates our precinct is allowed (that’s a lot, some get one or two) will go to the convention to represent the peop I asked if I would vote on behalf of the precinct on who actually won, or would, say the top three get a delegate or two, or do the delegates go to the next convention and vote for the candidate of their personal choice? No one knew. I filled out my official delegate form, with my phone number, address, and e-mail address. I Googled it, Google doesn’t know either. However, I do know that I believe in our democratic system, and even when it’s less than perfect, somebody needs to represent the people honestly. That’s why I raised my hand. I will be notified by an official person as to what my delegate duties are. Whatever the Republican Party of Nevada sets forth as rules, I will follow them 100%. I was hanging around looking at the leader’s white envelope mostly to see if we get to break out the ballots and see who won. Usually when you vote, you just leave. A machine counts them. But in the old days, people actually sat together and counted paper ballots…I was hoping to get to do that once, since we were all told that “caucusing” was much more personal, like an old town hall meeting. I’m good at that sort of thing, I’ve been involved in lots of paper vote elections on small scale. I was told that we DON’T count them. They would be delivered to the appropriate place, and I saw the paper, that’s what it said. The idea is that when the county convention comes, then a few less delegates are elected to travel to the State convention. Then, a few less are elected to represent I did not vote for the man that won today. However, he was my second choice. But what is most important to me is the knowledge that I have gained so far. There are no laws that I have been given notice of governing a caucus. I’ve heard that delegates are not legally bound to vote for the person they originally represented in the caucus. The doors are wide open for “Tom-Foolery”. However, it is what it is, and what’s done is done. Even if my precinct voted for a man that I despised, as a delegate if required to, I would represent the people. That is the true meaning of a democracy. People vote. You have to be OK with losing the same way you have to be OK with winning. Good luck to the GOP. Some may not like the story that follows, but I just had an in depth conversation with one of my Democratic employees, and BOY…DID HE HAVE A DIFFERENT STORY OF HIS CAUCUS EXPERIENCE. If my caucus would have gone like his, I might have an entirely different opinion of the whole caucus process. I'm not the only one that found the caucus difficult. See these links... REPUBLICANS…PLEASE GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER SO THAT I DON’T HAVE TO WRITE ANOTHER STORY GIVING THE LIBS CREDIT! I am what I am, but I will not be silent when the opposition deserves credit. Read on my friends. Perhaps the Democrats in |
Nevada Democratic Caucus More Fair?
Friday, January 18
Nevada Caucus Unfair?
Well, I’m going to my first caucus tomorrow. I’m going kicking and screaming and mad as hell, and so far, without doubt or variance of political affiliation, EVERY SINGLE OTHER local citizen I’ve talked to feels the same way! Nevadans do NOT WANT a caucus, not Nevadan Democrats nor Nevadan Republicans, at least in the poll of popular opinion that I’ve seen, and I’ve been asking EVERYBODY. In the first place the mere word is offensive. The word “caucus” sounds like something nasty one might try to clear from their throat or nasal passages, eewww. So from the beginning of hearing that word, one is put off. It’s a strange word, especially in I spent my earliest voting years in my home state of Our grand state’s token imbecile, Harry Reid came up with the “unbright idea” that GOP Nevada caucus is at 9:00 AM Saturday, January 19th, 2008. “They” say it will only take a “little while”, some estimate 30 minutes to a couple of hours. Many say at 9:05, the doors will lock (on both sides, their’s at 11:05), and if not there, to bad, you cannot participate. Thousands of local Republicans got phone calls from the Barack Obama camp telling them that the caucus times had been changed. I’m sure a few believed it. I’m also sure that Barack Obama has a lot on his plate and had nothing to do with it. A few *69’d the calls from the “GOP” and someone answered from Obama’s campaign. Postcards looking very official appeared in all of our mail boxes. It stated where your “true” caucus location was. Guess What? Thousands, including mine, were wrong, and in the case of mine and many others, even preposterous! Some got wrong locations only a few blocks wrong. My notification stated that I was supposed to show up entirely across town, excuse me, technically in a different city. All of us know how metropolis areas work. Democratic or (LOP “Lame Old Party” or “Flop & Lop Party”) Republicans followed by some basic no-nonsense rules. You must have been a registered Republican voter 30 days prior to caucus to participate. On both sides, 17 year old people that will be 18 on Election Day in 2008 may register and participate. Democrats are allowing anyone wishing to register to do so on the day of the caucus and participate. They are heavily advertising this fact and are encouraging registered Republican voters to come to their sites and are allowing them to re-register as Democrats and participate in the caucus. Military personnel that are giving their lives to fight for our country whether Democrat or Republican, cannot vote because they cannot attend. This was never so when we had a primary. We just lost two soldiers locally, and local DJ’s and even the families are encouraging folks not to attend the funeral of one, that is on Saturday, but instead to go and vote, and please respect their privacy (quoting paraphrased both DJ’s and family wishes). Vote in a way that will help those still left to do the duty. Amazing families. I respect that, no matter which side of the political isle they might sit on, and I don’t know where they sit. I only know that their child(ren) gave his life for me and my freedom, but our soldiers left in In In trying to understand and have knowledge of caucus procedure, I searched and researched, and could hardly find any information at all online. The day before our caucus there was either no mention, or little mention of caucus information. Pretty sad. The best article I was able to find oddly came from a small rural city in Without the entire vote of a community, the process is already severely damaged, no matter if you lean Democrat or Republican. Even in primaries, it’s hard to get a large portion of a populous to vote, this caucus process will probably eliminate about 50% of the few that did vote. In The first part of the caucus involves electing delegates to the convention(s). In our larger cities, the delegates chosen will go to county, state, and eventually to the national convention for their said party. HELLO??? We are all showing up at the same time, at 9:00 AM on our day off, (or not trying to dodge being late for work), running in at the last minute like the (old) OJ Simpson in the airport commercial. We get there amongst a few hundred (or most likely a few dozen) of our “favorite friends and neighbors” that we’ve never met, and we vote on delegates??? After that, we each get to go to a machine and make our vote. In the mean time, we are supposed to voice our public opinions to strangers and try to persuade others to vote for “our man”. AND, this is all supposed to happen in an hour or so? How STUPID AND UNDERHANDED is this? With a great decrease in August primary voters, the "powers that be" will be able to "slip in" all kinds of stuff that normally people would vote on, but since the freaking President of future won't be on the list, they won't show. So...a lot of stuff will happen locally because of those die hard on making it all about them will show. Nevada, it will get worse before it gets better; mark my words. AND…THIS WILL BE A GREAT BUTT STABBER FOR YOU…”Unbreakable ties at real caucuses will be determined by drawing cards, with aces high”. I SHIT YOU NOT FOLKS! What is a “real” caucus? Who gets to stack the deck with Aces high? Is it like in REAL casinos…will the players get to see the cellophane ripped from the new deck? Will the deck be spread before the players to reveal that ALL the cards are actually in the deck? OK, swallow that for a moment, and now breathe and take this in…(“DELEGATES AT COUNTY, STATE AND NATIONAL CONVENTIONS ARE NOT LEGALLY BOUND TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE THEY PLEDGED TO SUPPORT AT THE CAUCUS LEVEL OR AT A LOWER LEVEL CONVENTION (COUNTY FOR INSTANCE)” Excuse me people, then WHAT’S THE FREAKING POINT? On either side of the political isle, if this is the “new system” Harry Reid so faithfully set forth for I’m going tomorrow. I’m scared. I feel like I’m a straight A student being sent to the principal’s office in school, and then seeing police officers in the principal’s office, and having no idea what I did wrong. My vote won’t count. My vote is a learning experience mandated to me by a left wing moon bat that has temporary great power in God bless THE CONSTITUTION SHOULD BE AMENDED TO MAKE VOTING FAIR FOR EVERYONE. EACH INDIVIDUAL’S VOTE SHOULD COUNT, AND NO MATTER WHICH SIDE OF A POLITICAL ISLE YOU SIT ON…YOUR VOTE SHOULD BE ONE, AND WE SHOULD ALL MATTER. By the way...I will post a story after my virgin experience tomorrow at the CAUCUS. If I go there and it's an amazing and fair experience, I'll say so and retract all my pre-dispositioned thoughts of it. It it is LAME, I'll also say that. Who knows? We've never had one before. Nevada Democratic Caucus Information Nevada Republican Caucus Information |