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From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…

Sunday, July 24

Love Conquers All In The End

This story is for anyone that's ever been in love - out of love - and anywhere in between.  This story is especially for young people that are just beginning that process...  HOW BEAUTIFUL it ends up...

I'm an old lady now at the young age of 48...have great friends that are as young as 20 and as old as 70.  All women experience love; and OH BOY - love for a woman encompasses many facets of life.  Your first love, your first boyfriend, husband, your second, and all in between...

I envy the people I can count on one hand that met theirs and never looked back - that's rare.  I think we all intended for it to be that way...just didn't happen for me :)

In my life though - and lately especially - I've know people that experienced love in earlier years and have reunited...  I don't have anyone I want to connect back to - lost what I lost back in the day - and I'm now OK with it all...  BUT lately I know about 3 people going through this...

I'm PROUD and happy for those that went back and found those they loved from the beginning.  And on that note - those of us that have had amazing people come into our lives later = LOVE.

Life is a trip - worth taking - if you're missing something - look back and find it - or look at what you have at present and appreciate it, or maybe it's your future.  Be HAPPY for people in your past that found it - encourage your friends that they can find it -  and if you're IN IT -  LOVE what you have. 

KNOW Love conquers ALL :)  I'm old and have been through a lot in my life - Maybe I'm not what my husband thought I would be - and maybe he's not what I had in my young teen mind - but we're happy.  He puts up with me and I put up with him - we LOVE each other.  You have to get older to figure that out :)

I'm happy for us, and I'm SO HAPPY for those unhappy lately that were old and found love from the past.  Life is too short - BE HAPPY - and find love where you can and hold onto it when you get it...

LOVE CONQUERS ALL...no matter how long it takes :)