Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos On a really cold snow flurry day in Reno, the flags fly at half mast in honor of Gerald Ford. Mr. Ford seemed to me to be a really decent man. A man that you don't often remember that way. I think ex-President Ford was a true American. I believe, somewhat like George W. Bush, he took over that office at a time when shit was hitting the fan, and he had the backbone and stamina to make it better. I was only 14 years old in 1976, and politics or the state of the union was the last thing on my mind. I had forgotten he pardoned President Nixon. I didn't realize that it was one of Charles Manson's followers that tried to assassinate him. I had forgotten that he only became Vice President after the fall of Spiro Agnew. Today, looking back at the history I do remember, I think even more of Gerald Ford. I was a bit taken back remembering, or just finding out the whole story of his pardon of Nixon that probably cost him the election following...but when I heard his brought it more into perspective. "If you cannot forgive someone, you might as well let that person live in your head forever rent free." That was paraphrased a bit from what I heard on the news this morning, but the gist is there. What an amazing insight. I would have hung Nixon for embarrassing the office and the GOP. May you rest in peace Mr. Ford, and may we all learn a bit from your common man approach and belief in the right thing to do and when to do it. You served our country well, and more than served your family well for many years. That is truly the measure of a real man. I wonder if Jesus just can't help himself...and the welcoming party is just a little fancier and a little larger than life when someone like Gerald Ford shows up at the pearly gates? Click HERE to read about all the wonderful and famous people that left this world in 2006. There's quite an honorable list of rookies in heaven this year :) |
From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…
Wednesday, December 27
Gerald Ford Dies At 93
A Blustery Day In Pooh Land
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos It was a blustery day in Pooh Land here in Reno today. Hard to see the snow flurries in the photo, but this was the view from the office. This is only our third little snow flurry day this season, thank goodness we are not holed up like the folks in Denver. |
Sunday, December 17
Aerosmith Rocks Reno!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Oh my Gosh! Steven Tyler is still a babe, and Aerosmith still ROCKS! I had GREAT seats for the sold out show here in Reno Friday night, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen. Guess I'm not too old to still party like a rock star! Too Much Fun... |
I Am Time Magazine's Person Of The Year!
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos How Exciting! I am Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2006, and SO ARE YOU! I would like to thank all the little people that made this possible, and I am so proud to share this honor with my other millions of friends that are so deserving of this award. What a wonderful and bi-partisan surprise to find that all of us collectively made such a difference in the world this year that we won such a prestigious award. We The People, By The People, and For The People, what a concept! By golly, I think Time Magazine is onto something! |
My Mystery Angel
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Help me identify my mystery angel. When I opened my new shop in May, I inherited some "stuff" left behind by the previous owner. I found this angel in a cabinet, and decided to bring her out to bless our little office tree. I call her my Christmachanakwansa angel, because I cannot identify her origin. I've never seen a dark haired angel before, and with the black hair and the beads, I thought maybe she was of Mexican descent. Some of my Hispanic clients and vendors didn't recognize her either. Perhaps Indian, I don't know. If you've ever seen an angel like her, let me know where you think she comes from. At any rate, she's beautiful, and makes a nice holiday conversation piece around our office :) |
ATTR Rocks In The Christmas Season!
For our FOURTH year in a row, we had a stellar Christmas Party. Our three companies (American Truck & Trailer Repair, Inc., Dynamic Diesel, Inc., and All Trailer Supply, Inc.) combine all of our favorite people together in an annual Company / Client / Vendor Appreciation Christmas Party. I estimate approximately 150 people made it to this one, and we rocked in the Christmas season. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos |
Monday, December 11
My Son Gave Christmas Back To Me
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Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos The pets got involved, and we found fun stuff to put on them and take photos. The kitty Poof found a stocking that he claimed as his own. Our dog Reno donned her “Reindeer Hat”. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos The wonderful ornaments with incredible detail portrayed images of Christ and the REAL meaning of Christmas, and we all commented on those things. It just became a real evening of joy and family togetherness. I don’t think I’ve had such a wonderful evening in some time. We had a wonderful dinner of two flavors of pork loin, cheesy mashed potatoes, broccoli & cheese, and buttery corn. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos I realized that in my photos, it shows that I’m a bit of a clutter monster, and I don’t have a home that looks like a magazine house, but I couldn’t be more pleased with what I have. I do have a home, and my children and my love for all my family, immediate or acquired…blood or by marriage, whether here, or abroad, or whether together or away from each other, these are the reasons we have Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus, and remember Joseph and Mary as one of the original families, and love and give. I remember that even outside Christmas I still see the North Star, and I remember the Wise Men and the adoration they gave the baby Jesus. I remember that Saint Nicholas was a patron saint that gave gifts to the poor and began the tradition of Santa Claus. I remember the wonderful menorahs and the beautiful people that celebrate Kwanza. During my “perfect Mommy night”, others sat sometimes, some didn’t do a whole lot; I got so busy with dinner and making that all come together, it REALLY BECAME CLAYTON that kept the whole tree decorating project on course. He really came through for me, and through some frustration and us all getting tired and being up late, and him away from his home, he made my night so special. I even have to admit that I might have been able to pull dinner together sooner than I did, but I was so filled with a joy that I’ve missed for a while watching all of them that I just embraced the moment and watched. It was too beautiful and watching my grown men sons loving the moment made that slack more than I could resist. I’ve already purchased Miss J’s present, and I wanted to have it wrapped and ready for her to find. The night prior, another friend called needing to talk, and we went out, and had fun, and again…I misplaced my duty to be on a schedule for this night. My newest girlfriend in my intimate family life came over with my son and her daughter and went into another room and just jumped right in. She shared with me that she LOVES wrapping gifts, and that is one of her favorite things of Christmas. I couldn’t have been more blessed, as that allowed me to give the child a wrapped present, and explain to her (as I think a Grandmother would) that the “most special person” gets to have the first present under the finished Christmas tree. Once again, I got to see those little brown eyes sparkle, and hear her giggle. She was happy, and as my late Mama Ann always said…, “Today I am blessed, for today I got to hear a child laugh”. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos I remembered my saved keepsake...the Santa Claus MY MOTHER gave me when I was TWO. This is a 42 year old Santa doll. However, all the Christmases I had, this doll sat under our tree. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos I remembered that one year of 20 I was a casino September, I purchased a magical Santa, or Saint of Italy during the Italian Festival. I brought him out and once again hung him up. More memories, more joy. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos
To my father, brother, and my natural mother, my incredible step-mother, and half sisters and half brother I've never my wonderful in-laws that live closer, but still not around the block...I love you all. Day to day life takes us away from those thoughts, and I'm thankful that I am trying to bring those thoughts more prevalent each day than those "normal" thoughts and pressures I have begun to call "important". Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos |
Tuesday, December 5
Chris Angel Magic With Food
HOW DID HE DO THAT? I believe this is Chris Angel. This three minute video will stun you. Magic with food in a grocery store. Hmmnnn…We all know that there is an explanation to “magic tricks”, but some of these guys really amaze me. Enjoy. |
Carson City Child Abusers GET MAXIMUM SENTENCE
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I have some freaky glitch on my office PC (HP), and my home laptop is a Toshiba, and home PC is a Dell... I cannot log in at work during business hours. Everytime I put in my username and password, I get nothing. It all just clicks to blankness. I have deleted cookies, and re-enabled them. I have ordered Norton to allow Blogger as a safe site. I have done everything I think any paid IT guy would have done. I cannot figure it out. Just try...just try to e-mail Blogger Customer Service for help, that's like trying to lick your own balls. Everytime, you just get a "form" e-mail to try all the lame stuff you've already tried. I go to Blogger group sites and find that I'm not alone. LOTS OF PEOPLE have this same dilemma. Any suggestions? How the heck can you log in on two computers, but not on one other one, and all of your computers are set up the same damn way. I don't get it. BUT...WHEN I DO GET IT...many more posts will come. I have a lot to say, and no way to say it some days. Love ya all, wish I could comment on your great blogs, but the evil Blogger Genie has me on the "fuck you" list right now... :) |