From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…
This weekend, we took our new travel trailer out for its maiden voyage. The trailer was perfect, and so was the weekend. So nice to get out of town away from phones and business.
Lake Davis is in Plumas County, CA. It sits just outside Portola, CA. Beautiful scenery, and a great camping destination. Unfortunately, due to an infestation of Pike fish, the powers that be are placing the lake under some drastic changes to rid the lake of this pest. When finished though, the lake will come back to its pristine state and once again be a major player in the tourist market.
Sadly, as we were enjoying our weekend…the folks over the hill at Antelope Lake were dodging the effects of the 14,000 acre Antelope Complex Fire. Fires are to us though like tornadoes or thunderstorms to others this time of year. Many fires plague the desert Northwest right now.
At our campsite, literally within a “tippy-  toe” reach, was a nest of baby birds. Oddly enough, the mother bird came to feed them several times a day, and the surrounding campers didn’t seem to bother the young family. What a beautiful sight, and so rare to be able to get so close to that kind of nature.
Pelicans were in abundance at the lake this weekend. I caugh t some of them posing along a shoreline.
There was a sail-boating regatta congregated at Davis Lake this weekend. Many colorful boats were visible all over the lake.
I spotted a real live “stick-man” on the shore…thought this was a cool shot :)
We weren’t the only ones enjoying some fishing. I caught this gentleman in the midst of a fine fly-fishing cast. I hope he caught more fish than we did :) |
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