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From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…

Thursday, October 2

Aunty Belle - My Hero - Our Economy Status

I had an entire gaming career before I became a business owner in the Reno area. I'm from Texas and grew up dirt poor on a cotton farm in rural West Texas even before that. I "get" the South, hell I am the South in my soul.

I really thought I was the South until I moved to Mississippi to Bay St. Louis and spent four wondrous years there before coming back to Nevada where I'd lived in between Texas and the Deep South. My Dad lived in Louisiana before that while in the Oil industry, so moving to Mississippi when I did wasn't my first introduction to the REAL SOUTH.

I've been a blogger now going on three years. Aunty Belle was one of the first blogs I discovered when I was a "rookie". I was amazed at her style. She is from the South for more years than any of us will probably ever have the honor to be. She is an amazingly proficient writer, but writes her blogs from the language and spelling of those REALLY FROM the South.

Aunty Belle is the perfect woman...don't most of us women think we are? She truly is in her writing. She can take a woman's point of view, and a man's point of view and mix them perfectly said in the language those who live where she lives (or those who ever have) and make it make REAL SENSE. I only hope I might have the honor to meet her some day if they ever land in Reno and buy her and Uncle a great dinner and tip my hat :) Since Aunty Belle is busy writing, Uncle is quietly waiting for her on the water with her Mint Julip mixed and ready...after he got home from the Pork Rind plant :)

As to how this crisis is going with the bailout and all...we can all write it how we want... BUT, picture yourself back in the time of Mark Twain and "Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, The Prince & The Pauper, Life on the Mississippi, or Roughing It"...and you will find language even more fitting today's time than you might think :) For my women readers...have yourself a Mint Julip on the front porch (the Back Porch is nice too), and just sigh and speak...That's Nice :)