Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Ya know what they say..."Every old crow thinks her's is the blackest". My secretary was fiddling with her new camera, and snapped a shot of my son the office manager hard at work. I'm so proud of him and the peace of mind he brings to our little Mom & Pop company. GO CR...LOVE YA BABY! |
From country to city, From farm to fireworks…Through marriage & children, Through employment & ownership, Life continues to be an amazing journey…
Wednesday, November 29
Son At Work
Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Writes Americans Letter
Irony Of Sports
Sunday, November 26
Hope Your Thanksgiving Was Wonderful
America's Victory 08 - New Conservative Blog
America’s Victory '08 is a new blog organization dedicated to bringing Conservatism back to power in 2008, after years of liberal and moderate leadership. The membership is growing fast, and I was graciously invited to post an article or two as an author. Check out the site, and click the “Get Involved” link at the top left under About This Site if you would like to join or be a part. |
PayPerPost - I GOT PAID
As I mentioned before in this story, you can make a little money while you blog. I began posting for PayPerPost a little over a month ago, after I saw the post on Bestest Blog Of All Time. I do not take advantage of nearly all the opportunities on the site, as I only post about things I find interesting, or products and services I would actually support myself. I began this venture to raise some of the money that will be necessary for my son’s trip this year with People to People. He’s been chosen again to travel as a student ambassador, and those trips are costly. I’m happy to announce that PayPerPost actually works! So far I’ve been paid $81.15, and am due to be paid $91.65. That is in only a little over one month. It is easily conceivable to make approximately $30 per day. Give it a try to earn some extra money for your latest cause or project. There is an option to donate all your earnings to your favorite charity. |
Pelosi Backs Hastings For Intelligence Committee Leader
OK, obviously, “We the People” are going to have to teach “They the Congress” some basic picking rules that we all learned early on the playground…DON’T PICK THE BAD GUYS TO BE ON YOUR TEAM! Alcee L. Hastings (D-Fla), was impeached as a US District Judge in 1988 by a vote of 413-4 and removed from office. He was tried for bribery, but was acquitted. (Hey, OJ was acquitted too, among MANY other people that are believed to be guilty) A post-trial investigation by the US Court of Appeals believes that Hastings lied at trial and faked evidence. He’s even believed to have plotted with a lawyer to take a payoff for reducing the sentence of an alleged racketeer. Another prominent liberal African American John Conyers was one of Hastings’ prosecutors. Conyers is quoted saying, “We argue that he must be removed from office so that he does not teach others that justice may be sold.” Mr. Hastings was removed from the bench in 1989. Ms. Pelosi had better get a grip soon, or she may find herself upon the impeachment list sooner than later. This woman is going in with guns blazing, and is going to lose the gunfight. Her leadership so far has been to choose two losers as leaders, and continue pork spending. Click HERE to see the unfinished Pork business on the 2007 schedule. Keep an eye on her and watch how many of these earmarks she votes yes to…her past record has been horrific. |
If I Did It
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Thank goodness Fox Broadcast Network had the aftersight to pull the plug on this show scheduled to air tomorrow. If they hadn't, just think of all the horrible sequals we would have had to suffer through! |
Credit Card Search Engine - Apply For What You Need
Throw away all the junk mail. Now there is a site that will organize all types of Credit Cards for you so that you may compare and apply for the card(s) that best suit you and your needs. Choose from Low Interest, Cash Back, Airline Miles, Student, Business, and credit cards that allow bad credit. |
Wednesday, November 15
Pelosi's District - San Francisco - Bans ROTC
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Oh yeah…THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS BEGGED THE “MAN” TO NOT DO THIS… LET’S NOT LISTEN TO OUR BEST AND BRIGHTEST, LET’S LISTEN TO THE STUPID ADULTS IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CALIFORNIA!!! This country, so full now of people that run along in life oblivious to what’s really going on around them, and oblivious to the rules and morals they’ve sold out for any bit of profit or fame shame my parents, and my grandparents, and any elder that ever influenced me to be, and believe in who I am today. In a city like San Francisco where NO HOME hardly has a real back yard, and it’s so crowded and infiltrated by crime and a mentality of “life in the fast lane”, incredible liberalism, or high powered money gained by the inability of folks that live there to fight back…this decision is an American atrocity!
But hey… read the next post…we are now in the “fad” stage of reality. Sorry folks, our reality is currently headed in a very dangerous direction fueled by greed and political correctness which is merely a lack of backbone. But, as everyone knows, the bony portions of the meat are the cheapest…just taste the best if cooked correctly. USA…PLEASE GET BACK TO THE BASICS BEFORE WE ALL BURN IN THE HELL OF STUPIDITY. The few of us cannot continue to carry the rest of you, life is getting heavy. |
O.J. Simpson - What If I Did?
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos O.J. HAS OFFICIALLY SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL! That is one side of this coin, and my thoughts of the nefariousness of this situation overcome me. Each coin has two sides, and some memories and sadness of those memories changed sit on the other. OJ has long been a “hero turned freak” for anyone my age. I remember the Heisman trophy declaration, and I remember watching OJ play football, and I remember the days when we all loved him as he ran through the airport on the Hertz rental car commercial when he was a star for the Buffalo Bills. We all loved the “juice” at one time. Those were times prior to media coverage 24-7, and media “SPIN”, which unbeknown to us all, has changed the very way we think and live. We were raised on fire and brimstone, but the media has changed us into a culture that believes in fire and rhinestone. Then, one day…we all watched in disbelief as the white Bronco was being tracked on TV by every media news channel in America as he became the one that “killed” his wife and her supposed lover and boyfriend. If reality TV isn’t BAD ENOUGH, now it seems the fad is “what-if” TV. How morally irreprehensible is it that it’s OK to make 3.5 million dollars to write a book and do a two part series on TV that explains, “If I had have done it, this is How I WOULD Have Done It?” And yet, there’s a morbid curiosity that has been instilled in all of us ever since Geraldo Rivera hyped the Al Capone safe on national TV. What we all need to remember is…THERE WAS NOTHING IN AL CAPONE’S SAFE. There is NOTHING that we NEED TO HEAR OR SEE in this upcoming OJ broadcast. We need to all set aside our badly media provoked curiosity for spin and corruption, and remember what our parents and grandparents and our faith has taught us. TURN AWAY FROM THE DEVIL. Instead, the Devil has become the money maker and the “forbidden road” that law abiding citizens DON’T TAKE, but “just watching it”, or “just reading about it” allows us to “experience a taste of it”. This show is beyond horrible. This show is over the line. OJ is selling out to even allow himself to think about doing it for the simple sake that he’s a father. His children are now old enough to KNOW BETTER. He will burn in hell for the mere thought. As morbidly curious as I may be, I have to take a stand and say that as a parent, and wife, and American…I hope this show never airs. It’s wrong for the people involved, and it’s a bad track for America. Whatever faith you might follow, all religions teach us to resist temptation and resist evil, and this is pure evil for profit. PEOPLE, IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Some paths need NEVER BE TREAD. |
Tuesday, November 14
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos HALLALUJAH! It’s so rare to really have something good to write about, but today a victory was won, and I’m so proud it was in my native state of Texas. GOOD FOR FARMERS BRANCH, TX! FINALLY, a group of Americans have stood up in force and ACTUALLY PASSED LAWS and taken action as a city to better our country and take a stand against illegal immigration. Farmers Branch city council unanimously passed ordinances to fine landlords for renting to illegal aliens, made English the official language, and gave police officers the right to screen those in custody to find out their legal immigrant status. And I find the most wonderful thing is…this community is over 35% Hispanic. This means that elected officials backed by law abiding Mexican citizens have stood together with their local government to make a difference. They have flipped a big finger to the likes of the ACLU, and have decided as a city to take a stand. NOT ONE OF US TRUE AMERICANS has any objection to ANYONE OF ANY BACKGROUND OR FOREIGN COUNTRY from seeking the American dream. Our country was founded on that very possibility. Americans, of all colors just want to do it the right way. Congratulations to a wonderful bunch of folks that are doing it for Old Glory! |
My New Harley?
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New MANLAW - Have Plenty Of Beer For The Game!
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FAFSA College Financial Aid Application
PARENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS LISTEN UP… It’s the time for college applications and preparing to gain Federal financial aid for your college freshman to be. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is a vital part of this process. FAFSA online has put together an AMAZING website to guide you through this process and give you the NINE MOST VALUABLE SECRETS to gaining the most federal money you can to aid your student through college. The FASFA site has a wonderful written links to all aspects of this application, PLUS there is a very detailed and wonderfully informational MP3 Podcast you can listen to as well that will give you step by step instruction on how to achieve your financial aid goals. One of the things our government does right is put education at a high priority. Don’t miss out on your child’s higher education due to financial woes. STUDY these guides and let FAFSA help you get all the money you can for your student. |
Monday, November 13
Nancy Pelosi Backs Murtha - EARMARKS YOUR MONEY
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Well, Ms. Pelosi is on the move much faster than I think any of us thought she would be. There appears to be no “honeymoon”, I think she feels she must strike while the iron is hot. Because, we all know from being children, or raising them…once you touch something hot more than a couple of times…YOU QUIT TOUCHING IT! It seems the far left wing is on the move in a quick fashion to roll back tax cuts (that I personally saw benefit those around me, and allow me to do a bit more)…yes…a $600 check from the government made a difference, when you times it by ALL OF US. She also wants to move ahead quickly on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 or so. Now, I’m not a business owner bigot. It seems so normal doesn’t it, to raise the minimum wage, because, “How can any poor American struggling to make ends meet possibly live on the current minimum wage?” They can’t. They can’t live much better at $7.25 per hour. HOWEVER…THE SECRET THEY AREN’T TELLING YOU, is what is the hidden language, or “FINE PRINT” you are not seeing in proposed bills like these. In my businesses, our workers need to have some skilled trade knowledge, and my bookkeeping staff and managers are certainly a valuable asset. Our wages don’t even begin to start at less than $10-$12 per hour (we currently have no one making less than $13 per hour of 25 employees). In Nevada’s minimum wage proposal that was placed on our ballots, there was a lot of hidden language. It proposed that NEVADA would agree that whatever the minimum wage for the nation, Nevada's would be $1.00 higher FOREVER. There were some other hidden “earmarks”. If you don’t know what an EARMARK is…it’s bullshit language, and bullshit appropriation for money, raised taxes, etc. that’s not for the open public to see unless you take the time to READ THE ENTIRE BILL OF MANY DOZEN PAGES AND SEE FOR YOURSELF WHAT IT WILL ACTUALLY DO WITH YOUR TAX DOLLARS. Nancy Pelosi is also backing Jack (John-Jack) Murtha for majority leader. It’s no secret that he’s been under the microscope on several occasions, and is less than honorable by his record. BOTH MURTHA AND PELOSI FAILED MISERABLY on their own voting records for “EARMARKS” HIDDEN WITHIN over 19 bills passed within Congress. Jeff Flake set a precedent for forcing accountability on 19 amendments that he called “Anti-Pork Amendments”. A lot of these bills were defense bills, and other important legislation that had hidden language, or EARMARKS within them. I’m proud to say, that MY CONGRESSMAN Jim Gibbons of Nevada, that has just recently been elected as governor voted AGAINST ALL 19 BILLS. Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha BOTH HAVE A “BIG ZERO” ON ALL 19! Here are some examples of items they VOTED FOR… · $100,000 National Grape & Wine Initiative…for a wine business that places $50 BILLION dollars a year into the economy. 50B companies don’t need $100,000 of taxpayers’ dollars. · $1,000,000 Juniata Locomotive Demonstration. This MILLION went to a locomotive shop owned by Norfolk Southern. There was no description within the bill to state exactly what they would do with this money…your money. · $500,000 City Swimming Pool in California. Shouldn’t this kind of money be raised by the local economy…not voted on in congress? · $1,000,000 Mystic Aquarium in New London, CT. Again… is it the responsibility of ALL OF US TAXPAYERS to build an aquarium in a state we don’t live in?...placed within a defense bill? · $2,500,000 Northwest Manufacturing Initiative…again vague, and why an amount of more than TWO MILLION OF OUR TAX DOLLARS should be appropriated to only the Northwest, and only Manufacturing within a defense bill. People, do your homework. Make VERY SURE what you are voting on, and who you vote for. Pelosi and Murtha voted for ALL 19 proposals, and all 19 passed. Check HERE for your congressman’s record of voting. BE VERY AWARE OF PELOSI and her left wing antics. Before you know it, you’ll be saying the pledge of allegiance to Michael Moore, or Harry Reid, who isn’t far behind him. |
Who Came First, The Chicken Or The EGG?
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Well, we've been wondering for YEARS... who came first, the chicken or the egg. Well, it seems the EGG is claiming that victory, and supposedly, there is some scientific proof... You make the call :) |
Death And Taxes
Laser Engraved Thumb Drive - GREAT Christmas Gift
Sunday, November 12
McQueen Lancers End 2006 Season
Each dynasty has a time when the end comes. The McQueen Lancer class of 2007 had their reign of glory end Friday in the round two playoff game. The Bishop Manogue Miners took us out, and will play the Galena Grizzlies next week for the Northern Nevada Regional Championship. Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos |
Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Serve
Photo Sharing - Upload Video - Video Sharing - Share Photos Veterans Day, formally called Armistice Day, is a day in which we honor all the heroes that have valiantly served our country, both in times of peace and in times of war. This weekend, I’d like to personally take a moment to say THANK YOU for my freedom that millions of you protect and fight for. Though not said often enough, never think your collective service to our country goes unnoticed. You are the reason America is the GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH! All gave some, and some gave all. Without our armed service men and women, life would surely be drastically different. May God be with all our veterans each day as they continue to keep America free. |
Bank Foreclosures - Good Investment Opportunity
All investments carry a risk, but done right, Bank Forclosures can be a profitable way to invest your money. Bank homes often can be purchased at a 20% to 35% discount. Find bank foreclosures in all 50 states. Study ways to properly invest in foreclosures…get the most bang for your investment buck. |